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  • Writer's pictureJacynthe Boudreau

Fauna Series: Cocoi Heron

This bird can be found from Antofagasta to Tierra del Fuego, at the shore of lakes, lagoons, and rivers. Its main features are its great wingspan (more than 100 cm), its bluish-grey wings, white head and neck, and yellow beak. This bird's diet is based on fish and larvae, which they catch on the waterside

The Cocoi heron is the biggest of its kind. It leads a lonely life, spending hours by itself stalking prey by the water. It is not very common in Chile, but it can be found frequently in the south.

If you wanna get close to it, you may be out of luck. They are very private and shy, it will quickly get away with its elegant and giant wings.

The pictures in this post were taken near Puerto Varas, at the La Poza lagoon, during one of our kayak trips.

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